Unlimited Thermal Duration contest
Saturday and Sunday are two separate scored events. For each day there will be awards for the top three finishers in each class. Also, an overall winner is determined on Sunday.
Novice, sportman and expert scores are combined.
The contest will be managed using the AMA Soaring Rules 2017-2018 with the following options and exceptions:
The Landing score will be a circle graduated by 1 point per 1 inch with a 100 point maximum (100 inch tape).
The landing scores will be the CD's choice of ESL's C-delta, add-on bonus or normalized with the flight score.
Varios and Skegs allowed.
Both days will have 2-3 rounds of random MOM flight groups and then switch to Seeded MOM groups.
There will be safety zones defined depending on conditions the day of the contest. There will be 1 for the parking/set-up area, 1 for the winch area and 1 for pilot safety.
Our field is an active turf farm. Low flying over farm activities is prohibited.
10-minute flight tasks.
ESL small plaque inserts will be awarded for Experts and Sportsmen. The ESL big plaques will be discounted according to the ESL award plan.
The overall Champion for the weekend will be crowned on Sunday.
Plan is to use the Covell sod farm just off Dug-Way Bridge road. Map of the field.
GPS coordinated: 41°30'14.4"N 71°35'45.0"W
Depending on conditions, one of the other RISC available sod farms may be used (just a few minutes away). Registrants will be notified by email in the event of a site change.
Drinks and water will be available at the field. Participants will have to bring their own lunch.
No rounds started Sunday after 2:30.
Friday the field will be open for practice and other LSF tasks.
Camping with tents or RV's is not allowed at the field.